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Avoid Buying into Bats: A Thorough House Inspection Includes Checking for Sign of Bats

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 01/12/15

Avoid Buying into Bats: A Thorough House Inspection Includes Checking for Sign of Bats

Word Count:

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas_Appraiser, #Tarrant county appraisal, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #casa, #real_estate_appraiser_Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx_appraisal, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

Twice now, I have spotted a bat in our home. My husband and I recently purchased this house. As careful, first-time buyers we made sure to dot all of our i's and cross all our t's. We hired a reputable building inspector and he spent hours checking into all possible or potential problems with our to-be home.

buyer beware, home buying warning, home buyers warning, bat house, bats in home, bats in house, California Real Estate 

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Twice now, I have spotted a bat in our home. My husband and I recently purchased this house. As careful, first-time buyers we made sure to dot all of our i's and cross all our t's. We hired a reputable building inspector and he spent hours checking into all possible or potential problems with our to-be home. The house was built in 65' and as expected, the inspection brought up a few concerns. What did come up seemed minor and do-able: until the bats flew in. 

Now, I dont know for sure if we have a bat colony roosting in the house. But watching my husband flailing around the house, swatting at these moth-like flying mammals, all the while experiencing my first lock-myself-in-the-bathroom screaming session, was enough to kick-start a thorough investigation. I called the bat police. If we have bats in the house, their removal will be a potentially costly service. Likewise, there are specific health concerns that set off significant alarm bells. So, let's talk bats, in hopes that as you look into the purchase of your next home, you make sure to check for the tell-tale signs.

First off, just to get you thinking seriously about this concern, consider the fact that bats are not pests. In most states, as in most places in the world, these unique critters are both endangered and protected. Indeed, when I first googled my problem, I was expecting a sea full of comforting headlines: BAT EXTERMINATORS AT YOUR SERVICE. GET YOUR EFFECTIVE BAT POISON HERE. This was not the case. Most of my research sang to the tune of bats being the least understood and most persecuted animals in the world. I was ignorant to the fact that people, our environment and our legislation, love bats. Okay, I get it now. Without bats we could be swarming in a swamp fullof blood hungry mosquitoes. Bats are serious insectivores and their populations are on the decline. For this reason alone, they need our protection. But beware, homeowners who unwittingly house them, may end up paying for this unconditional love. It is best to avoid this problem completely, by not buying into a house with bats. 

If you are interested in purchasing a home that is on the old to older side, it won't hurt to look for signs of bats. Chat with your building inspector before an official house inspection and see that he/she is savvy to these indicators. The following signs may be evidence of bats roosting in your to-be home:


Look for unusual brown or grey stains in areas where bats might potentially enter the home. These entry points may be attic vents, cracks and holes under rotted eaves, where a chimney meets the house and openings where the pipes and wiring enter the house. The main characteristic of these stains is that they are oil based and difficult to remove.


Guano is a pretty, Spanish name for bat poo. The droppings will be found around the roost site. Guano droppings are pellet-like and give off a particular scent. This ammonia or musky smell may be present near the roosting bats, notably in the summer. In the winter months, the scent lessens as the bats have either migrated or are hibernating. Guano presents the most dangerous concern in housing bats. Inhaling dust that contains fungal spores found in guano can cause a serious lung infection. Histoplasmosis is the name of this fungal lung disease associated with bat droppings.


If your inspector thinks they hear the sweet chirpings of baby birds, have them double check that this cute social chatter is not emerging from a bat colony. Bats audible chatter is very similar to that of birds.

The reason for all the ominous forewarnings, is not that bats flat-out creep me out. Yes, I was terrified when I first saw one flying about our house. Now, after having done some research, I have gained a vast respect and curiosity for these amazing mammals of the night. Still, who wants to live with bats? The reason to consider checking for signs of roosting bats, is that they can be very tricky to remove. You can't poison them. It is illegal and otherwise ineffective. Proper bat removal usually involves an intervention by a bat removal company. The company will use exclusion methods to remove the bats and seal up any potential re-entry points in your home. Depending on the size of the bat colony and how long they have roosted, the damages, guano clean-up, re-insulation and repair can be costly and time consuming. So buyers beware of bats. Yes, they are vital ecosystem managers and need to be protected. Let them be protected by our laws and not by our roofs.


- Bats are the only mammals in the world capable of natural flight.

- Bats can consume 500-1000 insects per hour.

- Bats are protected in the United States and should never be harmed or killed.

- Bats make up nearly one quarter of all known mammal species.

- Bats use echolocation, a kind of natural sonar, to navigate and locate food.

- Bats are gentle, passive creatures that will only bite in self defense if they are picked up and handled. 

- Never touch a bat with your bare hands! Although rare, sick bats may carry rabies. 

- Bats can crawl through openings as small as 1cm in diameter.

- Over the past 20 years nearly 80 percent of the country's bat population has been lost. 

- To help conserve the bat population, build a bat house. It may attract bats to roost near, but not in your home!

Bank Foreclosures - REO - Appraiser - Appraisal - FHA Appraiser Texas - Tx

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 01/12/15

Bank Foreclosures

Word Count:

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas_Appraiser, #Tarrant county appraisal, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #casa, #real_estate_appraiser_Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx_appraisal, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

Bank Foreclosure Real Estate is a growing market for real estate investors.  These properties are ones still owned by the bank and the bank may remove fees and liens in order to get these properties sold.  These properties offer a great return for investors, typically much larger that regularly foreclosed homes.

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Bank foreclosure real estate, also referred to as REOs (Real Estate Owned), is foreclosed real estate that is owned by the bank due to an unsuccessful foreclosure auction. There are several reasons the home may have not sold at the auction. The most common reason is negative equity- the bank foreclosure real estate is worth less than the amount owed to the bank. Of course, the bank seeks to receive the outstanding balance of the original loan; therefore, the minimum bid for the bank foreclosure real estate is usually the amount of the outstanding balance of the original loan, plus interest and any additional fees. No smart investor or buyer will consider bidding on such a property. 

Nevertheless, an unsuccessful sale will not stop the bank from trying to make an attempt to get the bank foreclosure real estate sold. The bank will consider removing some or all liens and fees on the bank foreclosure real estate in order to get it on the real estate market and resell it to the public. The resell process may be retrying an auction or working through a Realtor.

This is a hot market for real estate investors. Real Estate investors take an eager interest in bank foreclosure real estate property. The market of foreclosed homes may be large; but, not always suitable for some investors. The foreclosed property may not meet some important needs. Nowadays home buyers and investors alike are scrambling through the market of bank foreclosure real estate looking for better deals. Though, most bank foreclosure real estate property is in poor condition, the low sale price of the home highly compensates for the property poor condition. 

Investing in bank foreclosure real estate property offers a great return for investors. Bank foreclosure real estate by far offers greater deals than typical foreclosed homes. As an investor you must consider all your options. Make sure you get the bank foreclosure real estate property at the best price. Hopefully, the bank foreclosure real estate that an investor chooses to invest in will give the investor rewards; such as a larger return in profit, either through renting the home out or through selling the home. 

There are several ways to search for bank foreclosure real estate property.  You can search the Internet, magazines, and newspaper listings. The Internet can lead you to thousands maybe millions of connections. Here you can view listing by state, banks, county, and much more. 

You should also invest time in finding a good real estate agent.  If they know what you are looking for, they can save you a lot of time and work.  They can also help you determine the true market value of the home you are considering investing in.

Appraiser - Appraisal - Real Estate Values - Big profit

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 01/12/15

Banks Profit Big Killing Real Estate Values

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As times were good and home values steadily increased, another segment of the housing market developed.  In times of affluence, ordinary people became investors, buying homes and condos to offer as rental property.  The banks.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas_Appraiser, #Tarrant county appraisal, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #casa, #real_estate_appraiser_Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx_appraisal, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

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Banks Profit Big Killing Real Estate Values

Everyone is aware now of the slow housing market and the fact that many people are losing their homes.  There is, however, another segment of the housing market that is seldom spoken of, but which is also being hard-hit by the current situation.  And the banks - who started the whole "tumble" - and who "profited greatly" in creating the "tumble" - are still profiting BIG !

First, let's talk about the homeowner.  In the 1990's, banks developed a GOLDMINE in the housing industry...the equity loan.  They began a huge marketing program to encourage people to take their money (savings) out of their homes and spend it.  They touted that the homeowner could "use the money for anything you want - a vacation, home improvements, college tuition, new car, whatever".  The banks then proceeded to appraise the home over the home's actual value and loan people equity up to 125% of the home's value.  This meant that people would no longer have any savings in their home - they would owe the whole value of the home at that time.  Anyone who didn't take out the money and spend it, was considered foolish - to have credit cards or pay interest on anything else, when they had money available in their home that they could pull out. People used their homes like an ATM.  Anytime the bills got too big, they just refinanced and took cash out or borrowed on an equity loan. Who made the most with interest and fees? The banks.

Who made the most money on these loans?  Yes, the banks. The homeowners didn't care about the fees the banks charged or the closing costs. The only thing they looked at was the big fat amount of money they could pull out and spend - as if it were the lottery. Who profited big? The banks.

As times were good and home values steadily increased, another segment of the housing market developed.  In times of affluence, ordinary people became investors, buying homes and condos to offer as rental property.  This is an intelligent way to save money on taxes and serve those who cannot afford to buy their own home, by providing a nice place to live for a reasonable monthly rent.  The other advantage, of course, was the appreciation on the property and having someone else help you pay the mortgage on the loan. The problem, however, was that much of the money they used to invest, came from home equity loans that they had taken out on their primary residences. The banks made this easier by providing "second mortgages", with high fees of course, and added prepayment fees and penalties to ensure they made a high profit, regardless of the life of the loan and with second mortgages, you could buy a 2nd or 3rd or 4th house or condo with very little down. But when the market values slipped and the appreciation never came, people lost money on the rentals and it resulted in losing on their personal residences also, because of the home equity loans we talked about above.   The only ones still guaranteed to make money?  The banks.

Now, that people have spent all of their savings in their homes and they owe more than the home could be sold for, many homeowners are letting the house go back to the bank...in foreclosure.  As many foreclosures as there are, it's still a small percentage of the total market.  Because it is such a small percentage, the banks can "dump" the houses for half of what would be the real value.  This further devalues the market price of the other homes that are for sale.  It's peanuts to the banks, but to the other homeowners out there that have to sell for one reason or another - it's devastating.

Worst part, when the crisis hit, the government instituted programs to bail out whom?  The banks !

Real Estate Appraiser in Tarrant County - Basics of home buying - North Texas

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 01/12/15

Basics Of Home Buying

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The most important investment you will ever make is probably the purchase of a home. Knowing the basics will give you a head start and save you time and money in your search.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas_Appraiser, #Tarrant county appraisal, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #casa, #real_estate_appraiser_Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx_appraisal, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

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The most important investment you will ever make is probably the purchase of a home. Finding the right home for you can be a long and arduous process, but there is no getting around that. 

Know Your Wants And Needs

Before embarking on your journey of house hunting, you must know what you really want to find. Sit down with pen and paper and list all the features you care most about, such as:

- Location (in a particular city, school district or neighborhood)

- Size -- how many bedrooms and bathrooms

- Parking -- a 1-car garage or 2?

- Style -- 2-story house or ranch style home? 

- Heating -- central heating and/or air conditioning?

Equally important, on a new sheet of paper list all the features you absolutely do not want in a house. For example:

- high-traffic area.

- high noise area (airport, train station or highway in close proximity)

- maintenance -- major repairs needed

As you look at houses, keep both lists in mind. Your lists may change over time as you do more looking. You'll want to add or remove features, or perhaps you'll become willing to make compromises. Realize that you most likely will not find the "perfect" home. Experienced homebuyers will tell you, perfect homes are not found, they are made perfect through hard work.

Get Your Credit Report In Order

Prior to looking at properties, you must get your finances in order. This is the time to review your credit report and clean it up, if need be, to maximize your credit score. Many people do not realize how important it is to check your credit report periodically to make sure it is accurate. You should pay off any past due amounts, or negotiate a settlement price to close the debt. Get such agreements in writing, before paying any settlement. Keep all receipts for any settled items from your credit report since it may take months to get the debt actually removed.

Research Your Home-Buying Options

Decide what kind of property you are interested in. Do you want a HUD property, a foreclosure, real estate, or property for sale by owner?

A number of web sites list homes according to city, state, or price range. Visit these sites to see pictures of homes, many with virtual tours, and review the listing features. 

Get Pre-Approved For A Loan

You're ready now to find a lender and get yourself pre-approved for the loan. Being pre-approved offers a number of advantages. It will clarify the price range you can afford. Also, once you find the home you want, you can place an immediate offer. If you have to wait for pre-approval, someone could buy the house right out from under you. 

Several special programs are often available from lenders, such as the FHA or Ameri-Dream, that can save you money in the closing. Ask the lender about any special programs before you decide on a loan. 

Find A Good Real Estate Agent

It is wise for the first time homebuyer to work closely with a real estate agent, no matter what type of property you're looking for. A knowledgeable real estate agent will make your house-hunting much easier. A good real estate agent is usually a good negotiator, and will be able to help you with the complicated paperwork involved in placing an offer on a house or in closing a deal. 

It's essential that you have a real estate agent working for you as the buyer, rather than relying on the seller's agent for the house you want to buy. The latter can involve a conflict of interest, which usually works to your disadvantage. 

To select a real estate agent, you should check with your friends and neighbors for recommendations. Find an agent you feel comfortable with and who is knowledgeable about the area you hope to buy in. 

These are just the basics of home buying. You will find many details you need to master as you move through the buying process, but having these basics under your belt will give you a head start.

Working with an Inspector

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 12/15/14

Working with an Inspector

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

The rule of real estate is to get your money's worth.  When you are looking into finding a place, you will want to make sure that the rule immediately applies.  One way to make sure that you are getting more for your money is by finding the right inspector.  This will allow you to find a property that is worth the up keep.  

The job of an inspector is to find everything that might be a larger problem in the house before you move in.  This will begin by checking the electricity, water supply, plumbing, furnace and heat supplies, and the general build of the home.  They will take a part of their day in order to make sure that everything is built up to standard and that it won't cause problems before you move in.  

If there is something that the inspector says is wrong with your home, you will have the ability to ask for repairs or money back for the home.  There are several who will save thousands of dollars by having an inspector look at what is in the home and how it needs to be changed.  Because of this, you will want to make sure that the right inspector is coming to your home.  

Most likely, your real estate agent will have a specific inspector that they like to work with.  However, you can find one on your own and have them inspect the home as contract work.  You want to make sure that they will do a thorough job and that they have your best interests in mind.  This will help you to walk into your home without any surprises and with potential replacements before you move in.  

Working with an inspector is an essential part to buying a home.  It will help to determine and define the quality of the home and can help you to get the best deal in the end.  Before you sign the final papers, make sure that the inspector you have worked with has looked through everything.  This will help you to begin making your house into a home.  

Why You Need a Real Estate Agent: What your Agent should do for you?

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 12/15/14

Why You Need a Real Estate Agent:  What your Agent should do for you

Word Count:

Whether you’re buying a new home or selling your existing property, working with a licensed real estate agent will ensure that your transaction is handled quickly, efficiently and with a good end result.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

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A real estate agent can either be a buyer’s agent or a seller’s or listing agent, depending on their client’s need. Although a single agent may list property for sale and also work with buyers, each role will be a little different. To understand why you need a real estate agent and what your agent should do for you, let’s take a look at each agent type. 

Buyer’s Real Estate Agent

When you’re ready to buy a home, getting help from a real estate agent will expedite your search. Your buyer’s agent represents your interest during the entire real estate transaction and will work hard to make sure you get the best bang for your mortgage buck.

Your realtor is an absolute asset when it comes to researching available homes for sale. She should have geographic knowledge and neighborhood familiarity, along with school information and other insider info. He will also have a network of related professionals to assist you in completing your real estate transaction, including mortgage lenders, title companies and inspectors. 

When you are ready to make an offer on a home, your realtor will generate the paperwork to present to the seller and will negotiate on your behalf until you are either satisfied with the terms of the sale or are ready to continue looking. 

Once your offer is accepted, your real estate agent will help navigate each step in the closing process. If you weren’t pre-qualified for a home loan, she will also work with you to gather the necessary elements to obtain a mortgage.

In short, your buyer’s agent will walk you through each step of the buying process while handling more details that you could ever imagine.

Seller’s Real Estate Agent</b>

When you’re ready to sell your home, finding a listing agent is the first step toward success. Your listing agent will evaluate the market and help you price your home accordingly. He will also make suggestions for improving the exterior and interior of your home to make it more appealing and salable. 

Your agent will list your home for sale on the Multiple Listing Service and get the word out about your home to other agents. She may hold an open house for other agents and host events to attract potential buyers. Like a buyer’s agent, your seller’s agent should have neighborhood familiarity, school information and other insider info to share with prospects.  

While marketing and selling your home, your realtor will accentuate the positive aspects of your property and downplay its shortcomings. He will ceaselessly show your home and stay in constant communication with you. And when an offer is made on your home, your realtor will provide experienced advice on whether to take the offer, submit a counter-offer or reject the offer completely. 

When a legitimate offer is made on your home, your real estate agent will show her true value by negotiating every detail to your advantage. At this point, you should have enough faith in your agent to trust his recommendations regarding the close of your sale. And then, put the paperwork in your realtor’s hands.

Although some homeowners do put their house on the market for sale by owner, paying the associated fees to have a professional realtor handle your sale makes a lot of sense in today’s competitive market.

The Bottom Line on Real Estate Agents

As you can see, the role of a buyer’s agent and a seller’s agent are distinctly different, yet their paths intersect with each real estate transaction. Whether you are buying or selling, a professional real estate agent will be your ally from start to finish.

Why You Have Not Made A Dime Investing In Real Estate Investing & How To Make Money Fast!

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 12/15/14

Why You Have Not Made A Dime Investing In Real Estate Investing & How To Make Money Fast!

Word Count:

Are doing all of the things that don't make you money in real estate! Going around with a Realtor, looking on the web, driving around nice neighborhoods looking for For Sale signs, telling a few people that you Buy Houses....it's a major waste of time.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

Article Body:
Ok, so you haven't made a dime in Real Estate yet right? You want to be a Real Estate Investing Millionaire, but for some reason you can't seem to find good deals on houses. Well, I can tell you what your problem is.

You are doing all of the things that don't make you money in real estate! Going around with a Realtor, looking on the web, driving around nice neighborhoods looking for For Sale signs, telling a few people that you Buy Houses....it's a major waste of time.

That's just keeping yourself busy! Do you want to "PLAY REAL ESTATE" or do you want to be a "Real Deal" Real Estate Investor? If you don't want to do what it takes, do yourself a favor and go down to Toys R' Us pick up a game of Monopoly and call it a day. If you're more interested in the latter, then you need to listen up! Spend that time knocking on the doors of homeowners in foreclosure. Quit doing all of the "Safe" things like meeting with Realtors. That's why they're safe, because you're not going to make any money. If you don't put yourself out there...YOU'LL NEVER GET A DEAL!

What you're doing is looking for deals on houses & not looking for people that need their problems solved. No one sells their house at a serious discount unless they HAVE TO! Would you sell your house to me for 50 cents on the dollar because I'm a nice guy? Of course not, you worked hard for your home and you don't HAVE TO. But if you had lost your job, were 30 days from losing your home, and I showed you how I could put immediate cash in your pocket, wouldn't you consider it?

As investors we buy houses from people that NEED TO SELL, NOT PEOPLE THAT WANT TO SELL. When you're dealing with a Realtor, 9 times out of 10 they're going to show you nice houses, owned by people that are in no urgent rush to sell. I hardly ever deal with Realtors. I'm not saying to completely alienate yourself from them. That would be foolish. Simply network with them, and let them know that if a killer deal comes along, you can close with cash quickly. Explain what you're looking for and that's when they will call you. I wouldn't go around looking at houses with them. Most Realtors are not trained to look for the types of deals that we're looking for. Actually, they'll probably tell you that it's NOT POSSIBLE to find the kinds of deals that we do.

There's a few things that you need to be looking for..THESE are the things that will lead you to the good deals that you're looking for:
1. Divorce
2. Imprisonment or Court Costs
3. Loss of Job - Foreclosures
4. Bankruptcy
5. Death
6. Job Transfer
7. Bad Tenants - Contact Landlords who have filed evictions

Most of these types of people can be searched by looking through the public information on your local courthouse records. Depending on your location, most of the time these are available online. Situations like Loss Of Job would be discovered by looking through the foreclosures and knocking on their door. You need to focus your attention on people with these types of situations.

These people usually have serious issues that need to be solved. They at one time had the cash to pay for their mortgage and the expenses associated with it. Now due to circumstances beyond their control, things have been thrown out of whack and they need someone to get everything reorganized for them. That's your job...Solve their problem and you'll get a good deal.

Sign Up To Receive Rich Urban's Free Real Estate Investing Course at: http://www.youngrealestateinvesting.com/freecoaching
You want know the REAL TRUTH about making money in Real Estate that everyone else is too scared to reveal you? Are you sick of all the B.S., hype, lies and scams out there?

The Language of Foreclosures

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 12/14/14

The Language of Foreclosures

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Talking about foreclosure real estate can be hard enough without even entering the market. That's because foreclosures tend to have their own language, employing many obscure words originating in government housing legislation and real estate law.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

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Talking about foreclosure real estate can be hard enough without even entering the market. That's because foreclosures tend to have their own language, employing many obscure words originating in government housing legislation and real estate law. Without a background in these areas, prospective investors won't be able to decipher even the simplest foreclosure contract. This article lists some of the more common foreclosure-related terms as a reference for people interested in this lucrative market. 

Abandonment: Wherein a property owner has given up ownership rights without coercion, and does not want to retrieve those rights, or pass them to somebody else. A situation involving an unused property does not guarantee abandonment.

Acceleration Clause: A clause commonly written in a mortgage enabling the lender to demand full re-payment immediately, rather than at the end of the contracted term. The clause must also detail an occurrence that would put it into effect, such as a default on regular payments, sale of the property, or re-assignment of property rights. In most cases the debtor must be given reasonable notice, and a chance to reverse the occurrence. The debtor is also immune from acceleration if there is no such clause written into the agreement. 

Chattel: Personal property, including household items.

Closing Costs: Expenses not related to the marketing and selling of the property, sure as loan fees and paperwork fees. Foreclosures might also involve extra legal and escrow fees.

Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure: Property owners may deed their property to the lender if foreclosure is imminent, rather than go through the entire process. For the deeding to be official, the lender must give approval. 

Default: Failure of the borrower to make payments as required by the lender. "Default" may refer to a missed payment without any further repercussion, or a series of missed payments resulting in a failed mortgage.

Equity Right of Redemption: The right of the borrower to remove all encumbrances related to the mortgage, in order to avoid foreclosure.

Federal Housing Administration (FHA): A part of the Housing and Urban Development Federal agency responsible for determining industry standards for mortgage loans by private lenders. FHA also insures mortgages by private lenders. Foreclosure investors must occasionally deal with this agency. 

Federal National Mortgage Association: Also known as FNMA, or Fannie Mae, this federal agency oversees conventional residential mortgages, and will buy out loans that follow its rules. Some foreclosure investments require direct communication with this agency. 

HUD1 Statement: A form mandated by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development that specifies the costs of acquiring a foreclosed home.

Loan-To-Value Ratio: A comparison of the total loan amount and the lesser of the property's sale price or appraised value. 

Notice of Rescission: A notice from the lender notifying the borrower that he or she is again in good standing with the loan, and payment deficiencies have been corrected. 

Short Sale: A property sale priced at or below market value, and lower than the amount of a mortgage on the same property. 

Truth-in-Lending Act: A law requiring the lender to provide the borrower with a full written explanation of the mortgage's terms.

The Key to Successfully Investing in Investment Real Estate in Latvia

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 12/14/14

The Key to Successfully Investing in Investment Real Estate in Latvia

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An examination of the economic factors an investor needs to be aware of before entering the real estate marketplace in Latvia if he is to profit from his investment.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

Article Body:
With annual real estate price gains in the region of 40% achievable from certain areas of the Latvian property market, surely the key to successfully investing in real estate in Latvia is just getting into the market right now and enjoying the record price increases?

Well no actually!

While property price gains of 40% in parts of Latvia’s capital city of Riga have been recorded and have resulted in a surge of overseas investor interest in this new European Union member state, the key to long term success is in understanding the local Latvian economy.

Although Latvia is an attractive, interesting and historic country of diverse geography which creates a stunning natural environment for tourists to explore, it is not a tourism hotspot and not a country trying to target tourism.  Rather it is a country with a government committed to transforming its economy from the one paying the lowest wages in Europe to the one attracting the largest amounts of foreign direct investment in the European Union.

The success or otherwise of the Latvian government’s commitment to improving levels of foreign direct investment and boosting the local economy is key to the ongoing and long term success of the investment real estate market in Latvia.


Because a real estate investor’s target audience ñ whether for rental property or resale real estate ñ is the local Latvian people.  And if their government can continue to improve their economy, push up GDP, increase the wealth of the common man and make owning property a real prospect for more and more Latvians as is their vision, then a real estate investor buying into an incredibly cheap market now will have a growing audience gaining in wealth status to target for his rental income or equity appreciation in the future.

An indication that the Latvian real estate market is going to prove successful and that property investors who carefully select their investment real estate assets in Latvia will profit from them over the medium to long term is that the mortgage market in Latvia, which is in its absolute infancy, is gaining substantial strength.

Interest rates in Latvia are incredibly low in real terms and outstanding mortgage loan figures in Latvia are at least 40% lower than in other EU countries.  This means that more and more local and international lenders are becoming aware of the huge potential for profit in Latvia and are beginning to enter the marketplace ñ this should give an investor great confidence for two reasons; firstly the financial institutions committing to the mortgage marketplace are not in it for the short haul and secondly the increase in availability and affordability of home loans means that an increasing number of Latvians are being afforded greater purchasing power and are gaining in financial strength.  Because, as stated, it is the local market that will ultimately provide an investor with his target audience, this bodes well for the long term profitability of property investments made in Latvia today.

The Internet and Home Buying

by Dallas Appraiser L.L.C. on 12/14/14

The Internet and Home Buying

Word Count:

There's no doubt about it, the internet is now an intrinsic part in the process of buying and selling homes. The majority of people looking to buy a home search the web for homes for sale in their desired area. Savvy buyers and sellers can compare stock from the comfort of their homes at any time of day or night. But when it comes time to actually buy, there's more to it than just clicking send.

keywords: #Real_estate_appraiser, #Dallas, #Tarrant, #Johnson, #Dallas, #home_appraiser, #home_appraisal, #Property_appraiser, #home_value, #real_estate_appraisal, #Appraisal, #Appraiser, #Home_size, #casa, #Arlington_Tx, #Mansfield_Tx, #foreclosure, #property, #Home, #House, #Real_Estate, #Measure, #house_size, #DFW, #square_footage #what_is_my_house_size, #house_list_price, #decide_list_price, #value, #For_sale_By_Owner

Article Body:
There's no doubt about it, the internet is now an intrinsic part in the process of buying and selling homes. The majority of people looking to buy a home search the web for homes for sale in their desired area. Savvy buyers and sellers can compare stock from the comfort of their homes at any time of day or night. But when it comes time to actually buy, there's more to it than just clicking send.

For starters, make sure what you are searching through is worth while. You may enjoy searching through lists of fancy homes, but if you are spending a lot of time daydreaming about houses you can't afford, it is a waste of time. That is fine if what you are after is to kill time, but if you want to find a home, look within your price range. 

This brings me to another point: getting pre-approved for a mortgage. It truly is the first step to home buying. It tells you exactly what you can afford, thereby giving you a price range to look within. It also tells sellers you are serious, and prevents losing a home you are interested in, while the sellers accept an offer from someone who's more prepared.

And while you can find homes for sale, and even lots of great buying and selling tips on the internet, nothing beats the knowledge and expertise of a certified real estate agentóa real, live person. There is a lot of legal-talk and small-print involved in real estate sales documents. Do yourself a huge favor and always have a professional, either a real estate lawyer, a RealtorÆ, or a mortgage broker, have a look over the paperwork of your real estate transaction. Don't rely on the other parties professionals. After all, they work for the other party. You want an experienced professional who is working for you to verify that the contract is fair and legitimate. Even if you don't hire them for their full services, most real estate agents will help you with parts of a transaction for a small fee.

Another thing internet listings are great for is comparative shopping. You might see a great home, but aren't sure if the price is realistic. A few clicks can show you what other homes in the area are selling for, and also what other types of homes are available in the same price range. 

If you are searching around on the internet for great listings, look for an agent that is also web savvy. Some agents have very clear, user-friendly, readable, and informative web sites. Then there are those web sites that are just factory filler. You can tell by reading the text if they are trying to appeal to you, or just manipulating search engines to get into the top ten list. If a site doesn't have a person behind it, one with a bio about themselves, and clear listings of what homes they have for sale, then it isn't worth your time. 

The key is, no matter what you find on the web, your real estate transaction will happen in real life. So it's best to use the internet as one of many tools in your search for the perfect home.

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